Asheville Bee CharmerCranberry Honey


When you sample Cranberry Honey, you’ll experience huge sweetness up front and a faint tart poke of cranberry at the end. Cranberry Honey is a fall flavor favorite. Its big sweetness makes a little honey go a long way in replacing processed sugars, and the true tart cranberry note makes a batch of tea extra refreshing in a cooling way. If you can make this honey last until the fall, try using it in cranberry sauces and in pie fillings.

Cranberry Honey Notes

Nectar Source:
Cranberry bush, Viburnum trilobum
Hails From:
New Jersey
Amber, red
Pairs Well With:
Black teas, holiday ham glaze, pie fillings, Greek yogurt
Tasting Notes:
Dried or stewed cranberries. Slightly astringent finish

Cranberry Bogs In Bloom is a Treat for the Bees

Cranberries in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey are in full bloom in August as the berries kick off their growth and get ready for harvest in September. Nearby beekeepers transport their honey bees to the cranberry bogs to pollinate the blossoms to ensure there will be a plentiful crop. When the berries are at their fullest, farmers flood the cranberry bogs and use a paddle boat to knock the berries off the submerged bushes, allowing them to float to the surface for easy harvesting.

Reviews & Ratings

  • Nikki O’Brien

    This is my absolute favorite honey. It is perfect with tea, to cook with, or drizzled on some white cheddar and toast.

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