Asheville Bee CharmerChai-Infused Honey


Each family’s chai spice blend is different and unique. Our Chai-infused Honey is made from an assortment of complementary spices including star anise, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, and…well, the rest is a secret! Warm and cozy, this bold infusion packs a spicy chai honey flavor. Honey infused with chai spices is as delicious and unique as it sounds, and it happens to be one of the most popular honeys at our tasting bar!

Chai-Infused Honey Notes

Pairs Well With:
Ice cream, tea, brownies, coffee cake, apple pie
Tasting Notes:
Anise, cinnamon, warm, bold, spicy

Reviews & Ratings

  • Kim Pupke

    Ever had Chai? Really good Chai? Yep, this tastes like it…and yet it’s honey. Delish! Excellent in a Chamomile tea.

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