Summer is here and our bee hives and bee charmer hive are both abuzz with activity. Here’s an update on what we’ve been up to at Asheville Bee Charmer.
Honey + Hops = Delightful Brews
The hive teamed up with two local breweries this summer to create some unique honey beers.
Catawba Brewing, on the South Slope, created the Biere de Miel, was released July 12th. Brewed with 5 gallons of our local Wildflower honey, this delicious Honey Belgian Ale is slightly sweet with hints of banana from the Saison yeast used during fermentation! One dollar from each pint sold in Asheville will be donated to the Center for Honeybee Research!
Highland Brewing, Asheville’s original craft brewery, created “Beer Charmer,” a crisp honey lager perfect for summer. The small batch was released in late June and was brewed with Tasmanian Leatherwood Honey. Rumor has it there may be a few pints left at the Highland, but if so, it’s going fast.
Bees on Film
The Bee Charmers and bees have also been busy this summer with visits from a couple film crews as part of some soon-to-air television features. Asheville Bee Charmer spent a couple of days with National Geographic in June, who filmed our honey store and our local bee hives for a show that will air in October on the National Geographic channel. We’ll send out more news on this once we have air dates.
HGTV will also be filming in July for a featured piece called “Creative Genius,” also scheduled to air sometime this fall. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates on that video shoot and the air date/time.
New Honeys
Summertime brings plenty of new wildflower honeys, as well as plenty of herbs for infused honeys from our local farmers. If you are an Asheville local or are on Bee-Cation, check out the store downtown for fresh wildflower honeys, lavender infused honey, and our new batch of mint infused honey!